Laughlin Wind 800 kW

Our first installation was a repower of existing wind turbines that were retrofitted and moved to a new location to power a portion of a logistics center.

EKO Park I & II 8.2 MW

Expansion into Europe with the Eko Park housing and resort development. Our installation powered both the new construction as well as the existing community and light industrial center that struggled with reliable energy.

sung Rooftop 15.2 MW

Terrin Wind 281 MW

A Power Rail 197 MW

Phuket 900 kW

NAC Rooftop Wind 200 KW

Na Pu’u 21 MW

Chirnogeni 28.8 MW

Chilocco 157 MW

Fowler 51 MW

Austin Repower 97 MW

Spider Lakes 82 MW

Rooftop Wind, a first for Lamplighter, saw a portfolio of 1,200 10 and 15 kW wind turbines installed under a corporate mandate throughout a portfolio of commercial 300 offices in China and SK.

The largest on shore installation our development team serviced included securing over 32,000 acres of leases and easements for a wind development

Built to power a portion of the Turpin high-speed rail network, Lamplighters project serves partners in China by deploying domestic wind turbines with global engineering skill sets.